Mid-Autumn Festival 2022: Candle-making Workshop

Aromatherapy is a perfect way for students to relax and unwind after a long day of studying or working. The Mid-Autumn Festival Candle-Making Workshop provided an opportunity to create something therapeutic and beautiful while learning the art of candle-making. At the workshop, students were introduced to using wax, wick, colours, and aromas or essential oils to make their own unique scented candles. The workshop helped them wash away their tension and stress naturally. We were excited to introduce this opportunity to the Swinburne Vietnam community, and to have all students to come join us for a fun and therapeutic experience.

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This workshop included a brief talk where students were taught some simple steps to make candles and choose the materials for their own products. Everyone had chances to see other products so that they could learn to improve their ones.

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With their finished products at the end of the workshop, students were able to enjoy the creative process, and to revel in exploring their senses as they craft their own personalized aromatherapy candle. Accordingly, our Mid-Autumn Festival Candle-making Workshop at Swinburne Vietnam promoted SDG3 – Good Health and Wellbeing – as it provided an opportunity for students to relieve their stress and tension through a creative process. By participating in this workshop, students enjoyed not only their own process of candle making, but also the journey of exploring their senses while crafting it.

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