International Business – Major

CRICOS Course Code: 088382J

We believe that business is now a global enterprise. That’s why we offer international business at Swinburne.

International business courses are an opportunity to explore the global marketplace. You’ll gain an understanding of overseas markets and the challenges associated with their operation. We provide insight into the role of culture and the business customs, economic systems, and political and trade policies that affect international business.

Future careers can be found in international trade, marketing, tourism, government and organisation who serve international clients.

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Course detail

Describe the course structure, career opportunities, training content, output standards, and business connections.

Duration: 3 years

Please refer to Tuition Fee for more information.

Faculty: Business
Location: Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City
Study Mode: Full–time

Semester Jan, Semester May, Semester Sep

Entry Requirements:

Please refer to Admission Requirements for details.

English Language Requirements:

Please refer to Admission Requirements for details.


International students are subject to meet entry requirements. To find out country-specific entry requirements, please visit the International entry requirement page.

Career Opportunities

Graduates enjoy open career options relating to the current international context, such as: International business owner, entrepreneur, change manager, product developer, product manager, trade specialist, import/export coordinator, human resource manager, international business strategist, multi-national sales manager

Education program

Successful completion of the Bachelor of Business (International Business) requires students to complete units of study to the value of 300 credit points. All units of study are valued at 12.5 credit points unless otherwise stated.

The course is delivered through lectures, tutorials, projects, and group work and industry placements.

Assessments will vary with each course but may include examinations, assignments, presentations, projects and group work.


Core studies

8 units (100 credit points)

Units Unit codes Credit points
Financial Information for Decision Making ACC10007 12.5
Innovative Business Practice BUS10012 12.5
Economics for Business Decision Making ECO10005 12.5
Marketing and the Consumer Experience MKT10009 12.5
Business Digitalization INF10024 12.5
Contemporary Management Principles MGT10009 12.5
Sustainable Business Practice BUS30031 12.5
Business Consulting Project BUS30032 12.5

*Outcome unit – completion demonstrates the attainment of course learning outcomes.



8 units (100 credit points)


Selected Major: International Business

Units Unit codes Credit points
Sustainable International Business Strategy INB30020 12.5
Global Business across Cultures INB30025 12.5
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management SCM20003 12.5
Ethics and International Finance FIN20016 12.5
Digital Management and the Future of Work HRM30012 12.5
International Business Operations INB10002 12.5
Global and Digital Marketplace INB20009 12.5
Asian Regionalism and Global Business INB20012 12.5


For more details, please refer to the Course Enrolment Planner.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  • define and integrate theoretical principles applicable to a business discipline and apply those principles in a range of practices
  • systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources in order to make informed judgements on options for innovatively solving a range of problems that arise in business contexts
  • formulate creative solutions that are fit for purpose and demonstrate cognisance of the impact of business decisions on the environment, economy and society
  • coherently articulate a line of reasoning demonstrating cultural sensitivity and apply a framework to analyse and offer solutions to ethical dilemmas
  • communicate a range of business arguments by evaluating and implementing alternative communication strategies as appropriate to the audience
  • build on and continuously develop the intellectual independence to be critical and reflective learners, cognisant of new technologies
  • work collaboratively in diverse groups

Business connection

Swinburne Vietnam’s strategic network which includes FPT Group’s companies and partners, helps connect students with leading industry experts and professionals. Students will learn to reach out and build professional relationships that can blossom into lifelong mentorship opportunities.

Student Work
