Brochure about study at Swinburne…
Are you interested in more information about Swinburne Vietnam? Coming soon in this September!
ICT30005 | 12.5 Credit Points | Location: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
Duration Contact hours
One Semester 36 hours
200 Credit Points
Aims and Objectives
Students will learn to identify and understand issues relating to the personal and organisational application of ICT. Students will develop a sense of professional responsibility through exploring professional codes of ethics articulated by professional accrediting bodies. Students will explore a range of social, legal, ethical and business issues that ICT professionals face in their careers.
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
1. Develop and present a resolved project outcome which synthesises an understanding of ethical and socio-technical challenges faced by an ICT professional
2. Evaluate the role of standards, codes of conduct and legislative/regulatory obligations on the level of professionalism of the ICT industry
3. Review the roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals in organisations and society from a range of perspectives such as work-life balance, mentoring and life-long learning
4. Communicate effectively as a professional and function as an effective leader or member of a diverse team
General Skills Outcome
• Teamwork skills,
• Analysis skills,
• Problem solving skills,
• Communications skills,
• Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems, and
• Ability to work independently