Brochure about study at Swinburne…
Are you interested in more information about Swinburne Vietnam? Coming soon in this September!
PUB30001 | 12.5 Credit Points | Location: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
Duration Contact hours
1 Semester 36 hours
150 Credit Points
Aims and Objectives
This unit introduces students to the field of Public Festivals and Events. In covering ideas and skills fundamental to managing and planning festivals, functions and events, it aims to build not only competence and understanding of the scope and scale of events but also students’ confidence in functioning as ethical operators in practical environments. Students should be able to conceptualise, research, plan and implement a range of techniques to achieve desired outcomes for festivals and events.
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
1. Identify the scope and scale of events and their planning needs.
2. Articulate events’ importance, either as a catalyst for economic development, or as a generator of social cohesion.
3. Critically examine the multi-faceted functions of event management from conceptualisation, through to planning, risk management, and marketing.
4. Highlight and explain both positive and negative impacts and advance sustainability as an overarching objective for events.
General Skills Outcome
• Teamwork Skills
• Analysis Skills
• Problem Solving Skills
• Communication Skills
• Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems
• Ability to work independently