“Swinburne’s long legacy and prestige will equip students to forge their own careers”

Those were among the remarks from Ms. Sarah Hooper, Australian Consul-General in Ho Chi Minh City, on student responsibilities during her visit to Swinburne Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City location on May 11, 2022. 

Ability to change and adapt

In the last two years, students all over the world have to start new semesters not in the way they have imagined. The pandemic has forced them to take classes online instead of fully enjoying in-person learning. However, this can be an opportunity to help students step out of their comfort zone and adapt to a rapidly changing world.

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Ms. Sarah Hooper, Australian Consul-General in Ho Chi Minh City, believes that education is a key pillar in Australia – Vietnam’s diplomatic relationship.

“I acknowledge Swinburne Vietnam’s commitment and ability to adapt quickly and creatively to maintain a safe and high-quality learning experience for students.” – The Consul General said.

Ms. Hooper shared that the students should be proud of their choice as well as of their achievements. “The Swinburne Vietnam experience, which includes the university’s long legacy of prestige, along with this community of professors, alumni and associates, will equip you as you forge your own careers in Information and Technology, Business, or Media and Communication,” Ms. Hooper emphasized.

Bringing Australian education to Vietnamese students

During the visit, Ms. Sarah Hooper shared with Swinburne Vietnam students about the mission of becoming global citizens and students of a prestigious Australian university. 

Ms. Hooper stressed that education has been a key pillar of the relationship between Australia and Vietnam since the two countries established diplomatic relations 49 years ago. During that time, the two countries had become stronger strategic partners.

“Education, innovation, and research are at the core of our federal partnership, making Australia a preferred destination for Vietnamese students. And that is true for Vietnamese who are traveling to Australia to undertake study and also for those who are achieving Australian qualifications right here in Vietnam” Mrs. Hooper said.

The Consul-General then further explained that the Australian education system is underpinned by national standards and quality assurance systems that support its integrity around the world. These standards hold up irrespective of where the course is being offered to ensure consistency and transparency of Australian education and qualifications.

After the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City locations, Swinburne Vietnam is going to launch its fourth base in Danang this September. This is one of the momentum steps to bring Australian education to one of the most dynamic cities in Vietnam.

Sharing about the students’ mission, Ms. Hooper said that being members of Australian education and Swinburne Vietnam, students are playing an important role in the relationship between the two countries.

“Upon graduation, you will become a member of the Australian-educated alumni community with more than 2.5 million alumni around the globe and about 70,000 here in Vietnam. This network will support you throughout your career, and the Australian government is committed to helping you maintain these valuable connections.” – Ms. Hooper remarked.

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