Mid-Autumn Festival: Candle-making Workshop

Aromatherapy is a perfect way for students to relax and unwind after a long day of studying or working. The Mid-Autumn Festival Candle-Making Workshop provided an opportunity to create something therapeutic and beautiful while learning the art of candle-making. At the workshop, students were introduced to using wax, wick, colours and aromas or essential oils to make their own unique scented candles. This will be sure to help them wash away their tension and stress naturally. We were excited to introduce this opportunity to the Swinburne Vietnam community and have all students to come join us for a fun, therapeutic experience.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 9 người, mọi người đang đứng và trong nhà

This workshop included a brief talk of candle making and reasons that it suited our festival, chandlers would teach some simple steps so that attendants could know how to make it and choose the materials to make their own candles. Everyone had a chance to see other products so that they could learn to improve their ones.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người và trong nhà

In addition to having a finished product at the end of the workshop, students were able to enjoy the creative process and revel in exploring their senses as they craft their own personalized aromatherapy candle. Furthermore, our Mid-Autumn Festival Candle-making Workshop at Swinburne Vietnam promotes SDG3, Good Health and Wellbeing, as it provides an opportunity for students to relieve their stress and tension through a creative process. By participating in this workshop, students can not only have their own candle at the end, but they can also enjoy the journey of exploring their senses while crafting it.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 10 người, mọi người đang ngồi và trong nhà

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