INF20016 – Big Data Management
INF20016 | 12.5 Credit Points | Location: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
Duration Contact hours
One Semester 36 hours
50 credit points
Aims and Objectives
This unit covers the management perspective of contemporary data management (particularly big data) issues in an organisational/ business context. Students will be introduced to issues that arise when data is gathered from multiple sources in various formats for many diverse purposes, as well as the relevant managerial, organisational, governance and Information Technology (IT) strategy issues. Students will explore why key aspects of a contemporary data management such as Master Data Management, Cloud storage, Social Media data, Data Warehouses, non-relational databases, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service should not be regarded as exclusively techno-centric concepts but also as a business/management consideration.
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the complexity pertaining data, big data and data lifecycle, which may include data quality, data governance, acquisition & procurement, legal, ethical, risk and security issue
2. Analyse and evaluate appropriate data management solutions for specific business needs and requirements
3. Demonstrate an understanding of big data management as an enabler of business agility and innovation
4. Demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving, and ability to communicate effectively as a professional and function as an effective leader or member of a team
General Skills Outcome
• Analysis skills
• Problem solving skills
• Communications skills
• Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems
• Ability to work independently, and
• Ability to work in a group environment