INF30004 – Business Intelligence and Data Visualisation
INF30004 | Credit Points: 12.5 | Location: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
Duration Contact hours
One Semester 36 hours
125 Credit Points from a Bachelor Degree OR 150 Credit Points from a Double Degree
Database Analysis and Design (INF10002)
And one of
1. Requirements Analysis and Modelling (INF20003)
2. Database Systems (INF20010)
3. Mobile Business and Social Media (INF20011)
4. Big Data Management (INF20016)
2. Database Systems (INF20010)
3. Mobile Business and Social Media (INF20011)
4. Big Data Management (INF20016)
Aims and Objectives
This unit covers issues relating to deriving intelligence from various data sources for decision making purposes. Students gather skills to drive improved decision making process for senior management based on understanding data. Students will know the importance of understanding the short and long term goals of the organisation and how these impact the decision making process. Student will use tools that enable data analysis, predictive analytics, data visualization to assist in the delivery of delivering real-time actionable intelligence.
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the strategic value of information, data management, and Business Intelligence to organisational decision-making activities
2. Contextualise business problems in order to evaluate the requirements for information and data
3. Analyse large corporate datasets using complementary Business Intelligence/Business Analytics tools to generate insights and provide alternative solutions to an organisation’s complex problems
4. Evaluate the technological, social, management, and organisational issues affecting the application and/or implementation of Business Intelligence related activities
5. Communicate effectively as a professional and function as an effective leader or member of a team
General Skills Outcome
• Teamwork skills
• Analysis skills
• Problem solving skills
• Communications skills
• Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems
• Ability to work independently