Welcome to the Conception Day

Each Fall, Swinburne Vietnam has the biggest event of the year – Conception Day – with hopes to kick off our new academic year in a fantastic spirit with our current and new students. 

This year, Conception Day will occur on August 19 in Swinburne Vietnam Hanoi, August 25 in Swinburne Vietnam HCMC and August 26 in Swinburne Vietnam Danang. This event marks a new beginning in the students’ academic journey. It also serves as an occasion for students to connect with faculty members and fellow students through experiential activities such as Welcome performance, Academic Festival, Club Festival, Academic Camping ShowCases, Club Camping Showcases. 

In the Welcome performance, Academic Festival, and Club Festival sections, Swinburne artists can transform themselves into performers on stage to showcase the distinct personalities and colors of their academic fields and clubs. To have these performances, community members will practice together and have time to connect. 

The Academic Camping Showcase and Club Camping Showcase are events where new students learn about their chosen academic fields and clubs. Students will personally experience the study atmosphere in a university environment. They may discover a new passion to explore in their upcoming journey. 

Below is the event’s expected Agenda.

Ảnh màn hình 2023 07 18 lúc 08.23.55

To successfully organize the Conception Day 2023, Swinburne Vietnam is inviting you to join us as a student contributor in here: https://bit.ly/conception-day

  • Participate in the Hội Khoa (Academic Fair) performances to show pride in your learning and future profession.
  • Join in memorable performances, including Welcoming Dance, Vovinam Performance, and Music Performance.

It is known that Conception Day is an activity in Orientation & Opening Week 2023. After experiencing Conception Day, new students will have a better understanding of the learning environment they will be involved in for the next three years. Swinburne Vietnam also encourages students to participate in all activities from the beginning, as it can be a catalyst for making their university years the most memorable time in their live.

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