Gala Swinburne Greats – Club Contribution Awards

2022 is the year of recovery after many difficulties and challenges. The contributions of individuals and groups are always recognized and appreciated for the common purpose of building a strong and comprehensive Swinburne community.


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We are honored to present our list of Club Contribution Awards:

  • Rising Star Award – considers a club or society who is officially affiliated with Swinburne Vietnam Alliance Program and has shown outstanding potential and commitment to SVAP
  • Outstanding Club Activity – considers a club’s activity that has influenced the wider community the most and received the most number of positive feedback from the student community
  • Most Supportive Club – considers the club that volunteered and spent their time on support the work of other clubs the most
  • Value Contribution Award – considers the club who has organised events and activities throughout the year that positive influenced and created values for the SVAP community and wider community such as culture, environment, artistic, etc. values
  • Outstanding Lovable Club – considers the club that is voted the most popular in the community and the most lovable based on public voting; products/community contributions are recognized through voting

Let’s join hands to create a 2023 with lots of surprises, creativity and innovation for the Swinburne community to grow stronger and contribute as well as transmit a lot of useful values. Let’s make 2023 a brilliant year!

GALA: Swinburne Greats
Date: Monday 9 January 2023
Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Location: Innovation Space, 80 Duy Tan, Cau Giay, Hanoi

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