Welcome to Opening & Orientation Week 2023

From August 17th to 25th, 2023, Swinburne Vietnam is hosting the Opening & Orientation Week 2023 (O&O Week) across its three locations in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City, for the incoming students of the Swinburne Vietnam Alliance Program in 2023.

Thiet ke chua co ten 14 1

The O&O Week program aims to help the K5 students become familiar with the university environment, make friends, and explore the experiential activities at Swinburne Vietnam.

“Getting started at Swinburne” provides an opportunity for students to visit the campus and receive their student ID cards. On this day, students will also receive uniforms and welcome gifts.

The “Opening Conception of University” is the official inauguration ceremony to welcome the new students. This event marks a new beginning in the students’ academic journey. It also serves as an occasion for students to connect with faculty members and fellow students through experiential activities such as flash mobs, showcases of various fields, and a club fair.

The “Academic Orientation” is an opportunity for students to learn about university learning methods, program structures, and career orientations. Students have the chance to meet with lecturers and academic staff who will accompany them throughout their study journey.

“Personal Student Support” provides students with a better understanding of the services available at Swinburne Vietnam. These services aim to help students make the most of their university experience. Some activities and services that students should know about include one-on-one counseling services, skill development programs, physical and mental well-being activities, and personal support services.

The “Global Citizen Placement Test” is a mandatory assessment for first-year students. Based on the test results, students will be placed in the appropriate level of the Global Citizen program.

After experiencing the O&O Week, students will have a better understanding of the learning environment they will be involved in for the next three years. Swinburne Vietnam also encourages students to participate in all activities from the beginning, as it can be a catalyst for making their university years the most memorable time in their live.

HN agenda

HCM agenda 2Da Nang 1

Expected plan of O&O Week

5/5 - (2 bình chọn)

Ha Nguyen


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