R U OK? Week was provided a platform for students to gain awareness and knowledge of the importance of meaningful conversations and how to open them up with someone who is struggling in life.

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Our activities focused on building the confidence and skills of those who wish to act as a helper, or ‘help-giver’, which included R U OK? Day talk where students could share their difficulties anonymously so that we could listen to and provide them support needed; Problem-Suggestions boxes where Swinners could write on a piece of paper and put it in the PROBLEM box; Use the provided stickers on the mood board placed in the lobby to let us know about your feelings during a day at Swinburne.

Through our activities, we were able to equip students with the confidence and skills needed to open up to meaningful conversations, to provide support and understand without judgement. By offering understanding and support without judgement, we hoped to empower students to create an open dialogue and encourage people to reach out for help when they need it most.

Thereafter, R U OK? Week focused on target 3.4 of SDG 3 to promote mental health and well-being. Our resources provided students with the necessary guidance and support to nurture their help-giving skills, thereby creating a more connected community.

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