Discipline and Disciplinary Procedure 


Following activities shall be deemed as act of indiscipline

1. Disruption of, or improper interference with the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the institute, whether on institute premises or elsewhere

2. Using abusive language and creating nuisance in the premises of this institute, disturbing the peace and independent rights of fellow students, staff and faculty members;

3. Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behavior or language and action likely to cause injury or impair safety on the premises. 

4. Fraud, deceit, deception, dishonesty or theft in relation to this institute or its staff. 

5. Action likely to cause sexual or racial harassment of any student, member of staff or other employee of this institute or any authorized visitor of this institute;

6. Damage to, or defacement of, Swinburne property caused intentionally or recklessly, or misappropriation of such property which includes, damaging library books, resources and furniture like cupboards / lockers / file cabinets / walls /doors/ windows/ white board / tables / equipment / chairs etc. by way of writing names/painting/scribbling etc;

7. Misuse or unauthorized use of the institute premises or items of property, including computer misuse;

8. Being instrumental directly or indirectly for mass absenteeism or boycott of classes resulting in vitiating the atmosphere of the Institute; Threatening, physically preventing or using any other means from preventing the students from attending classes;

9. Consuming drugs, alcohol or any other activity in campus which is construed as a societal offence at large.

10. All animals including pets are not allowed to be brought on to school premises. 


In instances of students breaking the University Rules the following actions will be taken; 

  • 1st Offence – Verbal Warning 
  • 2nd Offence – Official Written Warning (publish warning on school forums, report to parents directly, and fine 1,000,000 vnd).
  • 3rd Offence – 1 Term exclusion or Permanently expelled from University.



i. Students are required to sign the disciplinary log when found to be in breach of any school rules. 

ii. School managing board can apply punishments for severe faults to school rules or violence under government law.  

iii. Students have to pay the full fee for repair or purchase a brand new replacement (for point 6).