R U OK? Connect and Care

How can you effectively communicate that you’re here to hear to the people you care about?

R U OK? Week is an event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting mental health and well-being conversations. It serves as a reminder to check in on the people around us and ask the simple yet powerful question, “R U OK?”. The initiative aims to foster a supportive and compassionate community where individuals feel comfortable seeking help and support when needed.

When we genuinely listen with an open mind, it can make a profound difference in helping individuals feel connected and supported. To promote awareness about recognizing when someone might be facing difficulties and how we can extend support to one another, R U OK? has developed four simple steps for initiating a conversation that could change a life. 

  1.  Ask R U OK?
  2.  Listen
  3.  Encourage action
  4.  Check in

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Establishing trust and actively listening in a secure and confidential setting are crucial elements when engaging in a meaningful “R U OK?” conversation. Additionally, selecting the right time and place to discuss someone’s emotions and life circumstances can significantly contribute to the effectiveness of the conversation. 

  • During breaks from work or study;
  • When engaged in a shared activity side-by-side;
  • When connecting or participating in activities together online;
  • During social gatherings or outings;
  • While sharing a meal;

In recognition of R U OK? Week, Swinburne Vietnam Alliance Program has been organised activities in campuses, with plenty of activities to enjoy while meaningfully connecting with your fellow students and staff.

More R U OK? Resources

Support is available

If you ask someone, or even yourself, R U OK? and the answer is ‘No’, support is available. Students can book a counselling session via the Student Portal or Picktime app. 

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Well-being Service

At Swinburne Vietnam Alliance Program, students’ well-being is our priority as we firmly believe that their psychological, emotional, and social well-being lay the foundation for both academic performance and quality of life.

Aspects to cover
The PERMA Model of Well-being is an acronym for five key elements: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.

Positive emotions involve cultivating happiness, hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement and gratitude in everyday life.

R U Ok? Connect And Care

Engagement refers to being fully absorbed and immersed in activities that bring a sense of flow.

Meaning refers to the need to have a sense of value and worth.

Relationships refer to feeling supported, loved, and valued by others.

Accomplishment is a result of working toward and reaching goals, mastering an endeavor, and having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do.


  • 1-1 counselling sessions;
  • A wide range of activities, workshops, seminars, fairs and sharing talks;
  • Events: Well-being Fair, R U OK? Week, field trips, etc.


  • Hanoi: R U OK? Hub, Level 3, No. 2 Duong Khue, Cau Giay District. 
  • Da Nang: Well-being Room, Level 1, 2A Road 2 September 9, Hai Chau District.
  • HCMC: StudentHQ, Level 2, A35 Bach Dang, Tan Binh District.
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